• Wednesday, 05 February 2025

Pemprov DKI Akan Menambah Jumlah Rute Transjakarta Sebagai Respon Konser Bruno Mars di JIS

Pemprov DKI Akan Menambah Jumlah Rute Transjakarta Sebagai Respon...

Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta akan menambah rute layanan TransJakarta menuju Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) saat...

Jakarta Provincial Govt. to Add TransJakarta Routes in Response to Bruno Mars Concert at JIS

Jakarta Provincial Govt. to Add TransJakarta Routes in Response t...

The Jakarta provincial government will add the TransJakarta route to the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) whenever an...

Presiden Berkantor di IKN hingga 19 Oktober

Presiden Berkantor di IKN hingga 19 Oktober

Presiden Jokowi akan mulai berkantor selama 40 hari di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur pada tanggal 10 Septem...

Ada Misa Akbar Paus Fransiskus, Warga Jakarta Diimbau WFH 5 September

Ada Misa Akbar Paus Fransiskus, Warga Jakarta Diimbau WFH 5 Septe...

Heru Budi Hartono mengimbau para pekerja di Jakarta untuk bekerja dari rumah atau work from home (WFH) pada Kamis (5/9/2...

Upacara HUT RI ke-79 di IKN: Heru Budi Hartono Serahkan Bendera Merah Putih dan Teks Naskah Proklamasi

Upacara HUT RI ke-79 di IKN: Heru Budi Hartono Serahkan Bendera M...

Kepala Sekretariat Presiden, Heru Budi Hartono menyerahkan Bendera Merah Putih dan Teks Naskah Proklamasi kepada petugas...

HUT RI di IKN, Petugas Kemping di Tenda dan ASN Tinggal di Rumah Susun

HUT RI di IKN, Petugas Kemping di Tenda dan ASN Tinggal di Rumah...

Pemerintah menyediakan sarana tempat tinggal bagi mereka yang bertugas di IKN saat HUT ke-79 RI yakni perkemahan untuk p...

Insight Indonesia
Japan's Prime Minister Supports Indonesia to Become a Member of OECD

Japan's Prime Minister Supports Indonesia to Become a Member of OECD

Muhammadiyah: Ramadan 2025 Begins March 1, Eid Falls on March 30

Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP), Tuesday (7/1), officially set the beginning of Ramadan 1446 Hijri on March 1, 2025. Meanwhile, Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran will fall on March 30, 2025.

Ministry of Religious Affairs: 2025 Hajj Departure Begins Early M...

The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) issued a travel plan for the 1446 Hijri/2025 Hajj pilgrimage after previously deciding on the Hajj Implementation Fee (BPIH) with the Hajj Working Committee (Panja) of the Hous...

Retirement Age for Workers Rises to 59 Years as of January 2025

This retirement age will be the basis for the utilization of the pension insurance program implemented by the Employment Social Security Agency (BPJS TK).

Government Plans To Have 5000 Heads of SPPG for Makan Bergizi Gra...

The government plans to have 5,000 heads of Nutrition Fulfillment Service Units (SPPG) to manage Makan Bergizi Gratis Programme.

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Weather Forecast
BMKG Forecasts Light Rain Across Jakarta on Thursday

BMKG Forecasts Light Rain Across Jakarta on Thursday

Jakarta Expected to Experience Rain Throughout the Day

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) forecasts light rain across parts of DKI Jakarta from morning until night on Monday.

Weather Forecast: Light Rain Expected in Jakarta from Afternoon t...

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecasted light rain in Jakarta on Monday (1/20), expected to occur from afternoon until night.

Weather Forecast: Rainy Day in Jakarta, Prepare for Showers from...

The Jakarta area is forecasted to experience rain starting Thursday (1/16) afternoon and continuing into the evening, according to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

BMKG Predicts Light Rain in 20 Regions in Indonesia Today

As many as 20 regions in Indonesia have the potential to experience light rain on Tuesday (7/1/2025) today. Here is the complete list.