• Sunday, 08 September 2024

Jakarta Govt. Eyes Thousand Islands to Build Food Estate Project in 2025

Jakarta Govt. Eyes Thousand Islands to Build Food Estate Project in 2025
Source: indonesia travel

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - The Jakarta Provincial Government is planning to build a food estate in the Seribu Islands in 2025. The Acting Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, stated that this development is expected to have a positive impact on the region's original income (PAD) and maximize the potential of available natural resources.

Heru also emphasized that Jakarta has already started discussing the plan with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). He believes that the Seribu Islands are the right area because they are rich in marine products such as fish, seaweed, and so on, compared to the coastal areas near Jakarta, which are not feasible.

Previously, in a plenary meeting on Wednesday (3/20), Heru conveyed the results of a study by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), which revealed that the land in the Seribu Islands is suitable for use as a food estate for Jakarta starting in 2025.

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