• Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in Nusantara to be Tried Out on August 5

Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in Nusantara to be Tried Out on August 5
Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in Nusantara to be Tried Out on August 5. (Photo: ANTARA)

SEAToday.com, Balikpapan - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi confirmed that the Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) trial run in the Nusantara (IKN), can be conducted on Monday (8/5).

He explained that during the trial they will apply a free ticket system for passengers during the period of August to December 2024. The ART will loop through the Sumbu Kebangsaan Rd., Sumbu Barat Rd., and Sumbu Timur Rd., with a 5-minute headway.

Minister Budi also explained that there will be two ART train sets that will be operated in IKN. Meanwhile, another train set will be a backup. Each train has three carriages, with a total capacity of 200 passengers.

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