• Sunday, 07 July 2024

President Joko Widodo Voted at TPS 10 Gambir, Hoping for Peaceful Elections

President Joko Widodo Voted at TPS 10 Gambir, Hoping for Peaceful Elections
Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Negara Iriana Jokowi (Youtube SEAToday.com)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-President Joko Widodo arrived at around 8:50 am alongside his First Lady, Iriana. Voting Station No. 10 is located at the State Administration Institute (LAN) Office. A total of 120 people are included in the permanent voter list (DPT).

Voting began at around 8:30 am. Previously, the Voting Organizing Group Committee (KPPS) started the roll call and counting of ballots to be voted. There are 128 presidential-vice presidential ballots, 124 DPR RI ballots, 123 DPD RI sheets, and 125 DPRD RI ballots.

"This is a celebration of our democracy, I hope that is a joyful experience for all the citizens of Indonesia. And I hope this election will be a direct, public, free, secret, honest, and fair election."

Then after voting, Jokowi also said he hoped that this time there would be no fraud, and even if there was, immediately report to the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).
"There is a mechanism, in the field, if there is fraud, it can be reported to the election supervisory agency, if not, there is still a lawsuit at the Constitutional Court. I think such a mechanism must be followed by everyone," he said. (SYARA/DKD)

President Joko Widodo Voted at TPS 10 Gambir, Hoping for Peaceful Elections
Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Negara Iriana Jokowi (Youtube SEAToday.com)
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