• Thursday, 19 September 2024

Series of Humanitarian Concerts for Gaza Started at M Bloc Jakarta

Series of Humanitarian Concerts for Gaza Started at M Bloc Jakarta

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-A humanitarian concert for Gaza is officially started by the M Bloc foundation, which is prominently organizing and administering creative space in south Jakarta, M Bloc.

No less than seven concerts and 15 artists from different scenes participated in this initiative on a pro bono basis. All the revenue from tickets, merchandise, and other income will be fully donated to the humanitarian causes in Gaza through the donation account opened by the Palestinian embassy in Jakarta.

In the first concert, there are Bin Idris, David Bayu, and Efek Rumah Kaca performed their set lists for hundreds of spectators who gathered from 6 p.m. at the venue.

 This initiative already successfully gathered 300 million rupiahs just in the first concerts. The concert organizer, Wendi Putranto said, “We collected 273 million rupiahs in the afternoon. Later at night with more revenue from tickets and merchandise, the numbers can reach 300 million rupiahs”.

The series of concerts will finish on December 13th. And there are still many performers queued in the upcoming series including Endah and Rhesa, White Shoes and The Couples Company, The Brandals, Kunto Aji,  and .Feast. The public who want to attend this concert, just need to donate 100 thousand rupiah and get a ticket via its partner ticket application.




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