• Thursday, 19 September 2024

Jakarta Scores Highest for Climate Action Reporting by CDP-ICLEI

Jakarta Scores Highest for Climate Action Reporting by CDP-ICLEI

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Jakarta received an A-score (the highest score) for reporting on the implementation of the City Climate Action by 2023 through the CDP-ICLEI global non-profit platform. Jakarta, along with 119 other cities around the world, is considered to have built climate momentum and implemented mitigation and adaptation actions four times more than cities not included in the list of A-score recipients.


Jakarta Environmental Agency Head Asep Kuswanto said on Wednesday (11/15) that a total of 939 cities received climate action ratings from CDP in 2023, where the criteria for assessing climate action reporting with an A score include public disclosure through CDP-ICLEI Track, having a city-wide emissions inventory, and having published a climate action plan. 


In addition, Asep said that Jakarta was recognized for its bold leadership in environmental action and transparency, despite the pressures of the global economic situation.


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