• Thursday, 19 September 2024

Almost 1,000 Rohingya Refugees Arrive in Aceh

Almost 1,000 Rohingya Refugees Arrive in Aceh
Source : Ajnn.net

SEAToday.com, Aceh - In the past week, the influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar to Aceh Province has increased. Five boats carrying around a thousand refugees landed in Pidie, Bireuen, and North Aceh.

On Sunday (11/19) morning, a boat carrying 241 Rohingya refugees landed in Kulee Village, Batee Subdistrict, Pidie. In the afternoon, another boat carrying 249 Rohingya refugees landed in Gandapura, Bireuen Regency.

The arrival of this group of refugees has put the people of Aceh in a dilemma. In the last few years, Aceh has become a transit point for Rohingya refugees seeking asylum in Malaysia. However, during their stay, the refugees did not behave in a friendly manner toward the community, and some even ran away from the shelter. For this reason, the people of Aceh are currently rejecting the arrival of Rohingya refugees, in addition to the economic difficulties they are experiencing.

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