• Sunday, 08 September 2024

C3S: 2023 Marks Hottest Year on Record by a Lot

C3S: 2023 Marks Hottest Year on Record by a Lot
2023 Marks Hottest Year on Record by a Lot. Photo : Renew Economy

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - The year 2023 has been confirmed to be the hottest year compared to records going back to 1850 in a report by the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) published on Tue(1/9).

2023 had a global average temperature of 14.98C, 0.17C higher than the previous highest annual value in 2016. It was also 1.48C warmer than the 1850-1900 pre-industrial level, making it the first time on record that every day within a year has exceeded 1C above pre-industrial level, even two days in the November were 2C warmer. The figure is very close to the 1.5C temperature target limit of global warming set on the Paris Agreement.

The report also stated the main cause of such extremities were continued increase in concentration of greenhouse gasses and natural phenomenon of El Nino.

C3S Director Carlo Buontempo also added: “If we want to successfully manage our climate risk portfolio, we need to urgently decarbonise our economy whilst using climate data and knowledge to prepare for the future.”

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