• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Indonesia's 2024 Hajj Quota Increases to 241 Thousand Pilgrims

Indonesia's 2024 Hajj Quota Increases to 241 Thousand Pilgrims
Hajj Pilgrim at Kaaba Area. Photo: kemendag.go.id

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-Indonesia's Hajj quota for 2024 is officially set at 241 thousand pilgrims. This number has increased by 20 thousand compared to last year's quota of 221 thousand pilgrims. This decision was made in a meeting of the Working Committee on the 2024 Hajj Pilgrimage Cost (BPIH) of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) in Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday (11/27).

Chairman of the BPIH Working Committee of House Commission VIII, Abdul Wachid, said that the quota of 241,000 is divided into regular and special hajj. The quota for regular pilgrims is 221,720, and the quota for special pilgrims is 19,280.

In addition to determining the quota, the meeting also ratified the BPIH and Hajj Travel Cost (Bipih) to be paid by the pilgrims. The government, together with the House of Representatives, agreed that the cost of the 2024 Hajj to be borne by the pilgrims would be 56 million rupiah.

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