• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Presidential-Vice Presidential Candidates Number 1 Win at Polling Station Where Anies Cast His Vote

Presidential-Vice Presidential Candidates Number 1 Win  at Polling Station Where Anies Cast His Vote
Anies Baswedan and his family vote at TPS 60, Lebak Bulus 2 street, Cilandak, South Jakarta. Photo : Harian Disway

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar won in the vote count at Number 60 Polling Station (TPS), Lebak Bulus 2 street, Cilandak, South Jakarta. This polling station is where Anies and his family cast their votes on Wednesday (2/14) morning.

Deputy Chairman of the Election Organizing Group (KPPS) of TPS 60, Abdul Hamis, said based on the results of the calculation, Anies-Muhaimin received 140 votes, Prabowo-Gibran got 35 votes, Ganjar Mahfud with 19 votes. The results were obtained from a total of 194 valid ballots.

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