• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Three Polling Stations in Cirebon Use Turmeric Extract to Replace Purple Ink for Elections

Three Polling Stations in Cirebon Use Turmeric Extract  to Replace Purple Ink for Elections
Three Polling Stations in Cirebon Use Turmeric Extract to Replace Purple Ink for Elections. Photo : Pinterest

SEAToday.com, West Java - The General Election Commission in Cirebon will provide turmeric extract to replace the purple ink after voting in February.

The Chairman of the General Election Commission in Cirebon, Mardeko, said that the use of turmeric extract was implemented to respect local wisdom and some residents believe that the chemicals in the ink will invalidate wudu ablutions when praying.

The turmeric extract will be provided for three polling stations in Benda Kerep Village, Argasunya Village, Harjamukti District, Cirebon. However, the local KPU will still provide purple ink in the logistics warehouse to be distributed in Benda Kerep Village.

"We provide regular ink, we also provide turmeric extract. So residents can choose", said Mardeko.

BULOG Transformation & Institutional Relations Director
Talkshow with Sonya Mamoriska Mulia Harahap