• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

11 Females Figures List to Join Prabowo's Cabinet

11 Females Figures List to Join Prabowo's Cabinet
Menteri Keuangan RI Sri Mulyani Indrawati tiba di kediaman pribadi Presiden Terpilih Prabowo Subianto di Jalan Kertanegara No. 4, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (14/10/2024). (dok: ANTARA/ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar/Spt/am.)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - The elected President Prabowo Subianto summoned more than 100 figures to his residence on Jl. Kertanegara over two days, Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15.

Among these figures, 11 women were invited to Kertanegara. It is rumored that they will be candidates for minister and deputy minister positions in Prabowo's Cabinet.

So, who are they?

1. Veronica Tan
Veronica Tan, the former wife of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), was invited to Prabowo's residence on Monday (14/10). She arrived at 7:30 PM. Veronica is reportedly being considered for the Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPA) position.

2. Sri Mulyani
Sri Mulyani, who currently serves as Minister of Finance, is confirmed to continue in Prabowo’s Cabinet. She said she was asked to continue leading the country's financial treasury.

3. Meutya Hafid
Prabowo invited Meutya Hafid on Monday evening (14/10). She acknowledged that she was asked to strengthen the government cabinet with her expertise. However, she has yet to disclose the specific position she will hold.

4. Widiyanti Putri Wardhana
This PT Teladan Prima Agro entrepreneur and Commissioner was also present at Prabowo's residence. Only a little information about this professional being considered for a ministerial position is available.

5. Ribka Haluk
Ribka Haluk, the Acting Governor of Central Papua, was invited to Prabowo’s residence on Monday (14/10). After the meeting, Ribka mentioned that she was asked to join the Prabowo-Gibran Cabinet, though she did not specify which ministry she might lead.

6. Afifah Choiri Fauzi
Arifatul, the General Secretary of PP Muslimat NU, is also active in the Indonesian Ulema Council’s Information and Communication Commission (Infokom MUI). Prabowo invited her, and she is rumored to be a candidate for a ministerial position.

7. Christina Aryani
A politician from the Golkar Party and a member of the Representatibe House of Indonesia (DPR) for the 2019-2024 period, Christina Aryani is also reported to be a candidate for a ministerial role in Prabowo's Cabinet.

8. Dyah Roro Esti
Another Golkar politician, Dyah Roro Esti, a member of the Indonesian Parliament representing East Java X, was invited by Prabowo but has yet to respond regarding her potential role in the new government.

9. Stella Christie
A professor at Tsinghua University in China, Stella Christie, was among the women invited by Prabowo. She earned her undergraduate degree from Harvard University with Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honor in 2004 and her graduate and doctoral degrees from Northwestern University in 2010.

10. iana Kusumastuti
Diana Kusumastuti, currently the Director General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), was invited on Tuesday (15/10/2024). While she did not disclose her future position, she confirmed she was asked to assist in the Cabinet.

11. Isyana Bagoes Oka
Isyana Bagoes Oka, the Indonesian Solidarity Party Secretary General (PSI), was invited on Tuesday (15/10/2024). She arrived alongside other candidates, such as former Bogor Mayor Bima Arya, former Presidential Special Staff Aminuddin Ma'ruf, and Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo (Tiko).

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