• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

Transportation Minister: President Jokowi Improved Air Transportation Infrastructure in 10 Years of Presidency

Transportation Minister: President Jokowi Improved Air Transportation Infrastructure in 10 Years of Presidency
Presiden Jokowi sukses membangun infrastruktur transportasi udara sehingga mengalami kemajuan signifikan. (dok: Instagram/@jokowi)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that during the ten years of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration, a very significant increase was seen in the development of air transportation infrastructure.


“The development of air transportation infrastructure in the country has made significant progress. This is important to improve connectivity, accessibility, and community mobility, as well as to encourage economic growth in areas that were previously difficult to reach,” said Minister Budi.


The Transportation Minister said that it is important to improve connectivity, accessibility, and community mobility, and encourage economic growth in areas that were previously difficult to reach.


Quoting from the Transportation Ministry’s website, during President Jokowi’s two terms of leadership, Indonesia’s airport network was successfully expanded with 27 new airports in various regions, including in 3TP (Outermost, Remote, Disadvantaged, and Border) areas.


Not only that, the Transportation Minister has also rehabilitated and developed 64 airports in various regions.


Some of the steps that have been taken are extending the runway, expanding the terminal building, and rehabilitating a number of other facilities.


There are other major programs owned by the Transportation Minister, including organizing pioneer air transportation to support connectivity and reduce price disparities for people’s needs in the 3TP areas.


Currently, there are 41 air bridge routes and 220 pioneer air force routes spread across Indonesia. 


“Airport rehabilitation and development are important to improve service standards and flight safety. The provision of airways is very important to improve accessibility in the 3TP areas,” said Minister Budi.


The ease of service that this creates means that people living in rural areas can get their daily needs at an affordable price.


Not only that, in the era of Jokowi’s administration, Indonesian aviation also received an extraordinary gift of the Jakarta Flight Information Region (FIR) for airspace over Riau Islands-Natuna which was previously controlled by Singapore, and now officially regulated by Indonesia.


According to him, this is encouraging and it is something to be grateful for, because the transfer of the FIR will have a positive impact on Indonesia, especially in terms of increasing state revenue.

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