• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

CFD in Jakarta Put to Halt During Prabowo-Gibran’s Inauguration

CFD in Jakarta Put to Halt During Prabowo-Gibran’s Inauguration
Car Free Day (CFD) pada Minggu 20 Oktober 2024 ditiadakan karena pelantikan Prabowo dan Gibran (Sumber Foto: ANTARA/Luthfia Miranda Putri)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-The inauguration of president-elect Prabowo Subianto and vice president-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at the MPR/DPR building in Jakarta. Therefore, the Car Free Day (CFD) is put to a halt.


This was confirmed by Greater Jakarta Police’s Traffic Director, Senior Commissioner Latif Usman, in his statement to a number of journalists in Jakarta, Thursday (10/17). “The implementation of the inauguration of the president and vice president on October 20, 2024, is a Sunday, that usually has CFD,” Latif said. “With the big activities of our country, the CFD will be canceled,” he added.


Latif explained that such activities might be slightly disrupted, so they decided to cancel it altogether.


The cancellation of CFD activities has also been conveyed by the Jakarta Transportation Office through their official Instagram account on Thursday (10/17). “In order to organize national activities, the CFD on Sunday, October 20, 2024 is CANCELLED. Share this information with your friends and family. Road users are encouraged to always prioritize road safety!” the post said.


The Sudirman and Thamrin areas of the CFD route will be passed by many state officials and VVIP state guests who will attend the Prabowo-Gibran inauguration ceremony. In fact, it is likely that Prabowo and Gibran will pass through the Sudirman area, while President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo might also pass through the Thamrin area to the MPR/DPR building.

Prabowo will reportedly depart from his residence on Jalan Kertanegara, South Jakarta. Prabowo will leave at around 09:00 AM western Indonesian time. It is possible that Prabowo and Gibran will leave together for the MPR/DPR Building.

The departure route starts from Kertanegara, Senopati, Bundaran Senayan, Sudirman, Semanggi, Gatot Subroto, and arrives at the MPR / DPR Building. The inauguration and swearing-in of the elected president and vice president is scheduled to begin at around 10:00 AM western Indonesian time.

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