• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Religious Ministry Launches Iqro'na Braille Quran Reading Guide

Religious Ministry Launches Iqro'na Braille Quran Reading Guide
Source: lajnah.kemenag.go.id

SEAToday.com, Jakarta The Religious Affairs Ministry’s Education and Training R&D Agency (Balitbang Diklat) on Monday (4/1) launched "Iqro'na", a practical guide to facilitate the reading and learning of the Qur'an for people with deaf sensory disabilities (PDSRW).

Iqro'na stands for Iqro' bil-Kitabah al-Arabiyah an-Nafirah, which is an innovative step by the Religious Affairs Ministry for those learning the Braille Qur'an. 

Head of the ministry’s Balitbang Diklat Suyitno said the ministry is committed to providing services without discrimination, especially in education and religious services, in accordance with Law No. 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities.

The launch of Iqro'na was appreciated by various parties, including the Chief Religious Attaché of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Ahmed bin Essa Al-Hazmi.

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