• Sabtu, 22 Februari 2025

Jakarta's Public Transport to Implement QRIS Tap NFC Payment Method on March 14

Jakarta's Public Transport to Implement QRIS Tap NFC Payment Method on March 14
Illustration - Digital payments through QRIS Tap based on NFC technology will be implemented in public transportation. (doc: ANTARA/Rizka Khaerunnisa)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Bank Indonesia will launch a scanless Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard or QRIS Tap that can be used for public transportation starting March 14, 2025.

This QRIS Tap can be used on public transportation such as KRL and MRT.

Previously, this feature was scheduled to be launched at the end of the first quarter of 2025, so this launch is faster than scheduled.

"Yesterday we said maybe at the end of the first quarter. Now it seems that we can speed up QRIS Tap, so QRIS Tap is also an innovation, so this is a breakthrough," said BI Deputy Governor Filianingsih Hendarta, Wednesday (19/2).

She said this innovation is one of the payment system technology development initiatives as stated in the Indonesian Payment System Blueprint 2030.

With this feature, users no longer need to ask for QR codes when doing transactions. Users simply bring their devices with NFC features closer to the payment device.

"So later there will be no more need to scan, just waltz the cellphone close and it will immediately enter, the important thing is that there are funds," said Filianingsih.

Head of BI's Payment System Policy Department Dicky Kartikoyono said that with QRIS Tap, people can make contactless transactions using smartphones.

How to use it is only by accessing the QRIS menu, selecting the QRIS Tap feature, entering the transaction PIN, then bringing the smartphone closer to the terminal at the merchant to make a transaction.

“If it has been implemented, people can use the NFC-based QRIS Tap by opening a mobile banking application or other payment application on a smartphone that supports the NFC feature,” he said.

Meanwhile, the launch of QRIS Tap on March 14 will coincide with the reduction in the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR).

MDR is a fee charged to business owners or merchants every time a non-cash payment is made, including using QRIS, which is applied by payment service providers as an operational cost.

"We will reduce the MDR for QRIS in BLU, Public Service Agency, and PSO (Public Service Obligation). This is a form of Bank Indonesia's alignment to support government programs, especially to increase or improve public services," said Filianingsih.

A number of public services that get a reduction in MDR include hospital services, tourist attractions, education, education fund management, post, and public transportation, including MRT, KRL, and Damri.

“The QRIS price scheme policy for merchant criteria for Public Service Agency and Public Service Obligation from 0.4 percent to 0 percent will take effect from March 14, 2025, along with the launching of QRIS Tap,” she added.

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