• Rabu, 15 Januari 2025

BNPB Prioritizes Safety Amid Elevated Activity of Three Volcanoes in Indonesia

BNPB Prioritizes Safety Amid Elevated Activity of Three Volcanoes in Indonesia
Incandescent lava ejected from the summit of Mount Ibu in West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, during its eruption on Saturday (January 11, 2025). (Source: ANTARA/HO-Geology Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta – The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has made the activity of three volcanoes a key priority in its emergency response and preparedness efforts.

The three volcanoes in focus are Mount Ibu in North Maluku, Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Nusa Tenggara, and Mount Merapi in Central Java. All three have been exhibiting heightened volcanic activity, with eruptions recorded, and are currently categorized as Level III (Alert).

Emergency Status of Mount Ibu

Mount Ibu erupted again on Saturday (11/1) at 7:35 PM WIT, sending an ash column as high as 4,000 meters above the summit.
During the eruption, incandescent lava was also observed, reaching approximately two kilometers from the crater.

The bright, glowing red lava was visible to the naked eye, accompanied by loud rumbling sounds.
"Residents living near Mount Ibu have been informed by local authorities about necessary actions, including evacuation, rescue operations, and preventive measures to mitigate potential risks," stated Abdul Muhari, Head of BNPB’s Data, Information, and Disaster Communication Center.

Mount Ibu, which has been at Level III (Alert) since May 2024, continues to demonstrate increased volcanic activity. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) has extended the recommended safe zone to 4 kilometers and up to 5.5 kilometers in the sector facing the northern crater opening.

Emergency Status of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki

Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki, located in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, has continued its eruptive activity as of Monday (13/1).

Standing at 1,584 meters above sea level, the volcano has erupted six times since January 1, 2025. Seismic activity includes six eruption earthquakes, 135 emission earthquakes, 99 harmonic tremors, eight low-frequency earthquakes, four shallow volcanic earthquakes, 52 deep volcanic earthquakes, nine local tectonic earthquakes, and 48 distant tectonic earthquakes.

Visual monitoring shows a slight increase in activity, with average eruption column heights now ranging from 600 to 1,200 meters, compared to the previous range of 100 to 1,000 meters.
"Lava deposits and materials with the potential to trigger lahars have been identified in the west-northwest and north-northeast areas of the crater," he explained.

Residents and tourists are advised to avoid activities within a 5-kilometer radius of the eruption center and up to 6 kilometers in the southwest to northeast sectors.

Emergency Status of Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi spans across four regions: Klaten, Magelang, and Boyolali Regencies in Central Java, as well as Sleman Regency in Yogyakarta.

Designated at Level III (Alert) since November 2020, the volcano remains highly active.

This ongoing activity has prompted attention from the Geological Disaster Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) and local governments, particularly due to frequent rainfall around the main crater.

Rainfall in the area varies between 8 millimeters and over 100 millimeters, with durations ranging from 1 to 3 hours.

Current hazards include pyroclastic flows and lahar floods in the south-southwest sector, affecting the Boyong River up to 5 kilometers, as well as the Bedog, Krasak, and Bebeng Rivers up to 7 kilometers.
In the southeast sector, potential threats extend to the Woro River for up to 3 kilometers and the Gendol River for up to 5 kilometers.

Residents are urged to remain cautious, particularly during rainfall, as it could trigger pyroclastic flows and lahar floods in the affected areas.

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